The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is the little bit extra.

Business Offer

In the first place BrandlEvents is attending women working in the economic sector. Entrepreneurs in businesses and organizations who want to reach female clients and co-workers are very welcome at our corporation. Of course you will come across respect, tolerance and a great bit of humour!
Event Coaching

Bringing Clearness into your mind:

  • If an event is the right tool to implement your business idea
  • How to integrate an event successfully to your company
  • What costs you have to expect
  • What resources you can utilize
  • Where your chances are for enhancements
  • Or: You contact me with a concrete question i.e Which Location is “simply the best” for YOUR event?

Single coaching/ one unity = one full hour | € 125 excl. tax

Having the clarity of where your journey will lead – that is an advantage letting you sleep at night.

8 hours better – Your concept to success

An Event that is already fixed in your mind? A thousand questions are keeping yourself busy? With a good reason.

  • Implement your ideas authentically
  • Making the right steps to achieve your success and let your beliefs flow in
  • Letting go of unnecessary expenditure of time
  • Having the right people by your side without long searching process
  • To raise awareness of possible stumbling blocks
  • Having your guideline under control to stay focused in the bustled event

Our offer:

  • 2 hours working together at the basic themes and sorting ideas (via your preferred device: Skype, phone, mail)
  • Individual concept including research & development
  • 1 hour informative meeting on your concept and the realization

8 hours better | € 840, – excl. Tax.

If you are intending on planning your event independently, but want to remain professional and organized then this proposal is the best way to push you further.

The ONE – The whole thing

This proposal is for all those who have realized what impact a professional planning process can have on the quality and authenticity of the event. Expenditure of time, professional output, creative inputs and time management on a high level – let the professionals do the whole work. Everything out of one hand.

Overall you want:

  • Your values clearly to come to the fore
  • To go the calmest, kindest and easiest way
  • To have the benefit of experience by your side
  • To know, that this special experience will permanently be a joy of new things
  • A female access to a clear, tight and scheduled implementation

If YOU find yourself in this descriptions, then I am YOUR partner. Let’s talk about the proposal!
